News — FDA




We hope you've had amazing vacations and a superb start of the year.

We would like to kickstart this new FDA season with a very special event.

You've been waiting for it, it's the Fourth edition of the Homecoming Exhibition Debate.

We had a team made of the 2022 Higher Education Debaters against the FDA Board itself!!!

In case you've missed it, or want to see it again.

Here's the video of the Homecoming Exhibition Debate.




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The FDA goes abroad

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are incredibly proud to announce that for the very first time, the FDA is going abroad!

In cooperation with Franco-British Connections and the Allianz Kulturstiftung, we are organising a debate in the beautiful and prestigious Senate House of the University of London. During this event, four lucky FDA students will debate against four of their English counterparts around the motion "This House believes that Tyranny of the majority is a price of democracy". Will the French prove to be more persuasive than the English in their home turf?

Pack your bags, hop on the Eurostar, and come find out!

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FDA Vets at the New York TImes Democracy Forum

10 young orators, 8 countries and 2 teams gathered in Athens, the very birthplace of Democracy, to debate the motion “Democracy is dead”.

Organised by Ian Sielecki, president of the Transatlantic Debating Championship, The Great Debate took place during the fourth day of the New York Times Democracy Forum, at the University of Athens.

Debaters from former editions of the FDA tournament have been selected to either oppose or defend democracy in front of a prestigious audience and a jury composed of some of the World's most influential democratic leaders and thinkers, such as Nobel Prize Laureate, Paul Krugman or the President of the International New York Times. Jury members as well as the audience, after hearing pertinent arguments from both sides, agreed that democracy is indeed still alive.

Ihssane Zaadoud, Supaero, FDA semi-finalist, 2016





23/11: Nanterre v ENSAE Friendly debate

On the 23rd of November ENSEA will challenge the current FDA Champion, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, to friendly debate!

The debate will be held at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 200 avenue de la République, Nanterre, at 8pm in the Salle des Thèses, Bâtiment B.





14/11/16: Assas v Centrale Friendly debate

Please join us for the second Friendly of the year, Assas v Centrale!

The motion will be: "This House Believes That Marriage is Obsolete".

The debate will be held in the Centre Panthéon, 12 Place du Panthéon, Room 4.





04/11/16 - First Friendly of the year: Assas v Sorbonne

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The FDA season is starting with a bang this year: on the 4th of November, the Assas and Sorbonne teams will treat you to a very special Halloween debate!

These teams may share a building, but (amicable) rivalries are high... who will be the Panthéon Victor?

Come witness this great event at 7.30 at 12 Place du Panthéon, Amphi IV, and cheer for your favourite team!

Find out more by visiting the Facebook event:





FDA Holds First Veteran's Tournament

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As many of you know, our association was created in 1994 by Mr Declan Mc Cavana, and throughout these 23 years we have had the distinct pleasure of organising the most prestigious debating tournament in France.

This year, as our family grows, we are launching a brand new annual event: the FDA Veterans’ Exhibition Tournament.

Indeed, the FDA proudly now counts well over 1200 veterans, many of whom are now pursuing high-level careers in finance, consulting, diplomacy, law, engineering, education, and the public sector. Our veterans notably include Mrs Audrey Azoulay, Ministre de la Cluture et de la Communication, and Mr Frédéric Mion, Directeur de Sciences Po Paris.

Our aim is to bring together all of the FDA’s alumni, and to foster a deeper exchange between our veterans, both old and new.

Indeed, students taking part in the FDA Tournament will now also be entering a true community, and receive the opportunity to meet and discuss with their predecessors.

The first edition of the VET was held on the 2nd of June in the magnificent halls of the Hotel Talleyrand, under the patronage of the United States’ Embassy in Paris which we thank for their support.

Two teams of veterans from ten different institutions debated the motion “This House would return to the good old days”.

We hope many of you will be able to attend this event in the years to come!





The FDA goes to Campus Frateli

Nine debaters from the FDA went to Campus Frateli on the 26th of August to teach debating to the young members of the association. The class lasted two hours during which the students were able to learn how to debate and how to speak in public. 

Thank you to Féliana Citradewi, Nicolas Decroix, Nour Draoui, Grégory Jernidier, Borith Khaou, Amine Mamoudi, Alix Momméja, and Nicole Osuji for making the trip the HEC. 

Thank you to Campus Frateli for trusting the FDA. If you want to learn more about this association, please go to :





The FDA teams up with Paris Montagne to introduce debating to pupils

On the 21st of July, the FDA introduced debating to lycée pupils at the Association Paris Montagne during a two hour class.

Under the guidance of Albertine Aquenin and Shanica de Silva, the pupils discussed the pertinence of borders and languages... in English, of course!

The Association Paris Montagne organises sessions for pupils throughout the year, and focuses on mobilising the scientific community to develop new forms of mediation to the benefit of pupils. In doing so they create a space in which researchers and pupils can talk with each other directly.

Find our more about them on!





Paris V Style Spreads to Chartres

On Friday 27th of May, the FDA paid a visit to the beautiful city of Chartres to support a Paris V debating project in partnership with the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Chartres, the Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie de Chartres, and the Education Nationale.

10 students of the ICC debated the motion “This House would institute a quota of women in the Boards of Directors of major companies”.

The jury, which included the President of the CCI, the President of the TGI, the Procureur de la République, Mr le Bâtonnier de Chartres, and the Recteur d’Académie, gave the victory to the Proposition.

We hope that this event becomes an annual tradition, and thank Mr Jean-Baptiste Carbières – FDA Veteran and Juge d’Instruction près du TGI de Chartres – for this wonderful initiative!

